
Mattsons Beds gibt neue Einzelhandelspartnerschaft mit Spirit of Excellence Beds & Furniture in Berlin bekannt.

May 7, 2024

Mattsons Beds announces new retail partnership with Spirit of Excellence Beds & Furniture in Berlin.

Berlin, Germany – Mattsons Beds, a leading manufacturer of luxury beds and mattresses,is proud to announce its new retail partnership with Spirit of Excellence Beds& Furniture in Berlin. The partnership brings together two companies dedicated to providing their customers with the best possible sleep experience.

Located in Lietzenburger Str. 96 Berlin, Spirit of Excellence Beds & Furniture has along-standing reputation for excellence in the bedding industry. The store has been helping customers achieve optimal sleep for years, providing quality products and expert customer service.

The partnership between Mattsons Beds and Spirit of Excellence Beds & Furniture is effective immediately, and customers can expect to find a wide range of Mattsons Beds products in-store from now on.

About Mattsons Beds.

Mattsons Beds is a leading manufacturer of luxury beds and mattresses produced with only natural materials as horsehair, cotton and wool. The company uses only the highest quality materials and craftsmanship in its products, which cater to a variety of sleeping styles.

About Spirit of Excellence Beds & Furniture.

Spirit of Excellence & Furniture is a renowned bedding store in Berlin, dedicated to providing its customers with the highest quality products and service. With along history in the industry, the store is committed to helping customers achieve optimal sleep and comfort. Spirit of Excellence Beds & Furniture is located in Lietzenburger Str. 96 Berlin, Germany.